Statement of The Follow-up Committee for the Arab Christians Congress

Statement of The Follow-up Committee for the Arab Christians Congress
السبت 21 ديسمبر, 2019



The Iraqi Christian Foundation has adopted a position rejecting the Caesar Law, signed by President Trump on December 20, 2019, supporting the position of the Syrian regime, citing that the law is tightening penalties on the regime, which will harm Syrian citizens and lead to the destabilization of the regime that has protected Christians in previous years.

Members of the Follow-up Committee for the Arab Christians Congress “FCACC” say that Christians in Arab countries, including Syria, do not embrace the sectarian  propositions that Muslims seek their persecution and that they are a minority that must be closed to itself and in need of those who protect it, whether by a dictatorial military regime or in the shadow of foreign powers and countries, but Christians in Arab countries trust that The one who protects them is building the democratic national state that guarantees equal rights for all citizens through law and constitutional texts.

The “FCACC” also states that the shortage of life that citizens have suffered from in Syria for very long years is not related to the international sanctions imposed today, but rather the reason for this is the rampant corruption in all joints of the Syrian regime and economic mismanagement and access to government positions linked to loyalty and not competence.

“FCACC” affirm what was stated in their first conference statement, rejecting the so-called minority alliances, emphasizing the necessity of coexistence, and affirming the identity and belonging to our homelands as the final homelands of all its citizens.


The Follow-up Committee for the Arab Christians Congress